COVID-19 and Thromboembolism: FAQs
Full update February 2022
Patients with COVID-19 appear to have a higher thrombosis risk than otherwise similar hospitalized or intensive care patients.3,5 The FAQ below provides information on thromboembolism pertinent to COVID-19 patients with an emphasis on thrombosis prevention and treatment. There are some special considerations that may affect treatment decisions, including risk of hospital staff exposure to infected patients.
Question |
Answer/Pertinent Information |
What is the proposed pathophysiology of venous thromboembolism as a complication of COVID-19? |
COVID-19 triggers all three arms of Virchow’s triad: endothelial injury, hypercoagulability, and blood flow stasis.3
COVID-19-induced hypoxia facilitates thrombus formation.1 Some drugs being used as treatments for COVID-19 may increase thrombosis risk directly (e.g., baricitinib), or indirectly by reducing efficacy of antithrombotics (e.g., tocilizumab could potentially speed metabolism of oral anticoagulants).2,13,14 Severely ill COVID-19 patients may have non-COVID-19-specific contributors to VTE risk, such as central lines.2 DIC has been reported, but it is unclear if this is related to a specific effect of COVID-19, or a nonspecific complication of critical illness.2 Contrary to what is usually seen in DIC, COVID-19 coagulopathy is characterized by normal or even increased fibrinogen.10 Moreover, overt bleeding seems not to be common in COVID-19 patients.10 |
How does COVID-19-associated thromboembolism present clinically? |
In a German cohort of 12 autopsied patients (52 to 87 years of age) who died with a confirmed case of COVID-19, microthrombi were common in the lungs. Seven patients had DVT that had not been suspected before death. For four patients, PE was the cause of death.1
Patients with severe COVID-19 may have myocardial injury (e.g., elevated troponin, electrocardiogram signs), which may be thrombotic ACS or myocarditis.2 Hemostasis lab abnormalities seen in COVID-19 patients include elevated D-dimer, low platelets, prolonged PT, and shortened aPTT.2 |
Which COVID-19 inpatients should receive VTE prophylaxis? |
All hospitalized COVID-19 patients should receive VTE prophylaxis.6,19 Use LMWH (or fondaparinux for patients with HIT) for most patients.6
Should higher-than-usual anticoagulant doses be used for VTE prophylaxis in critically ill COVID-19 patients? |
Current data support starting with standard-dose VTE prophylaxis in critically ill COVID-19 patients.19
If, despite prophylactic anticoagulation, COVID-19 patients develop clots in vascular access devices or extracorporeal circuits, consider trying a different anticoagulant, or increasing the dose (i.e., full or intermediate dose) if bleeding risk allows.6 |
Should higher than usual anticoagulant doses be used for VTE prophylaxis in moderately ill hospitalizedCOVID-19 patients? |
Current data suggest that VTE prophylaxis using full-dose anticoagulation (preferably LWWH) can benefit moderately ill, select patients (e.g., elevated D-dimer, requiring only low-flow oxygen, non-pregnant), without increased bleeding risk (e.g., platelets <50 x 109/L, hemoglobin <8 g/dL, DAPT, hospital visit for bleeding within the past 30 days, bleeding disorder) [Evidence level B-1].5,15,16,19
Patients in MPT and RAPID were relatively young (mean age ~60 years15,16). Patients with high bleeding risk or dual antiplatelet therapy were excluded from all three studies.5,15,16 In MPT and RAPID, few included patients were taking a single antiplatelet (~12%), and only about 7% had chronic kidney disease.15,16 In HEP-COVID, <4% of patients had chronic kidney disease.5 |
Should VTE prophylaxis be considered for outpatients? |
It is generally recommended that VTE prophylaxis be discontinued at discharge.6,19
At discharge, educate COVID-19 patients to seek help for symptoms of VTE.6 For patients with mild COVID-19 who are isolating at home, advise keeping active.2 |
How is thromboembolism in COVID-19 patients treated? |
Anticoagulation, for at least three months, is the mainstay of treatment.2,3 Initiate treatment with a parenteral agent in critically ill patients.3 Consider using anti-factor Xa levels to monitor UFH due to aPTT abnormalities in these patients.11 For patients with recurrent VTE despite appropriate anticoagulation, consider switching from oral therapy to LMWH, or increasing the LMWH dose by 25% to 30% in patients failing standard-dose LMWH, based on low-quality evidence in other populations.3 Catheter-directed therapy or systemic thrombolysis should be reserved for the most serious cases.2,3 See our chart, Pulmonary Embolism: Focus on Thrombolytics, for more information. Reserve IVC filters for recurrent PE despite appropriate anticoagulation, or clinically important VTE with absolute contraindications to anticoagulation.2 |
What are some general considerations for antithrombotic use of special relevance to COVID-19? |
Extrapolating from other populations, antiplatelets (e.g., aspirin) are likely inferior to anticoagulants for VTE prophylaxis in COVID-19 patients needing hospitalization.3 For patients who might need procedures, consider parenteral antithrombotics over oral antithrombotics due to shorter duration of action.2 DOACs may be difficult to manage in hospitalized COVID-19 patients due to clinical instability resulting in impaired oral drug absorption or deterioration of renal function, and drug interactions with COVID-19 treatments.3 In the hospital, consider fondaparinux (not for intensive care patients) or LMWH over UFH to reduce caregiver viral exposure and to reduce the risk of missed doses; fondaparinux and LMWH require less frequent blood draws for monitoring and fewer daily doses.2,3 However, UFH might be preferred for patients with hemodynamic instability or renal insufficiency due to quicker offset.3 In patients with ACS and elevated bleeding risk (e.g., due to DIC), consider clopidogrel over other antiplatelets.2 In patients taking antithrombotics chronically who develop known or suspected DIC without overt bleeding, consider risk/benefit of reducing the intensity of therapy or discontinuation. For example, in patients taking DAPT, consider risk/benefit of continuing DAPT if platelets ≥50,000/mm3, switching to a single antiplatelet if platelets are ≥25,000 to <50,000/mm3, or discontinuing if platelets <25,000/mm3.2 In outpatients, consider a DOAC or LMWH over warfarin if home or drive-in INR monitoring is not available, assuming use is feasible given cost, indication (e.g., prosthetic heart valve), comorbidities (e.g., pregnancy), etc.2,8 Outpatients with COVID-19 and previously diagnosed thrombotic or CV disease should generally continue their usual antithrombotic regimen (e.g., aspirin, anticoagulant).2 Educate outpatients taking antithrombotics to discern clinically important bleeding from nuisance bleeding to reduce unnecessary emergency room visits.2 Be alert for drug interactions between antithrombotics and drugs used to treat COVID-19. Select drug interactions are covered in the next section. |
What are some select drug interactions between anticoagulants and drugs used treat COVID-19? |
Dexamethasone (high dose): increased warfarin effect.14 Dexamethasone is a CYP3A4 inducer, but whether it significantly reduces DOAC efficacy is unknown.6 Methylprednisolone (high dose): increased warfarin effect.14 Paxlovid (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir): increased rivaroxaban effect; avoid.17 Monitor INR closely in patients taking warfarin (may increase or decrease).17 Sarilumab: may increase CYP450 activity, potentially decreasing efficacy of warfarin, apixaban, and rivaroxaban.14 Tocilizumab: may increase CYP450 activity, potentially decreasing efficacy of warfarin, apixaban, and rivaroxaban.14 See the Liverpool COVID-19 Drug Interaction website: to screen for more drug interactions. |
Abbreviations: ACS = acute coronary syndrome; aPTT = activated partial thromboplastin time; CV = cardiovascular; DAPT = dual antiplatelet therapy; DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulation; DOAC = direct oral anticoagulant; DVT = deep venous thrombosis; ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HIT = heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; ICU = intensive care unit; IMPROVE = International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous Thromboembolism; IPC = intermittent pneumatic compression; IVC = inferior vena cava; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention; PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure; PT = prothrombin time; VTE = venous thromboembolism; LMWH = low molecular-weight heparin; PE = pulmonary embolism; UFH = unfractionated heparin; ULN = upper limit of normal
Levels of Evidence
In accordance with our goal of providing Evidence-Based information, we are citing the LEVEL OF EVIDENCE for the clinical recommendations we publish.
Level |
Definition |
Study Quality |
A |
Good-quality patient-oriented evidence.* |
B |
Inconsistent or limited-quality patient-oriented evidence.* |
C |
Consensus; usual practice; expert opinion; disease-oriented evidence (e.g., physiologic or surrogate endpoints); case series for studies of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or screening. |
*Outcomes that matter to patients (e.g., morbidity, mortality, symptom improvement, quality of life).
[Adapted from Ebell MH, Siwek J, Weiss BD, et al. Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT): a patient-centered approach to grading evidence in the medical literature. Am Fam Physician 2004;69:548-56.]
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- INSPIRATION Investigators, Sadeghipour P, Talasaz AH, et al. Effect of intermediate-dose vs standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation on thrombotic events, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation treatment, or mortality among patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit: the INSPIRATION randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2021;325:1620-30.
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- REMAP-CAP Investigators, ACTIV-4a Investigators, ATTACC Investigators, et al. Therapeutic anticoagulation with heparin in critically ill patients with COVID-19. N Engl J Med 2021;385:777-89.
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- ATTACC Investigators; ACTIV-4a Investigators; REMAP-CAP Investigators; et al. Therapeutic anticoagulation with heparin in noncritically ill patients with COVID-19. N Engl J Med 2021;385:790-802.
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- NIH. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Treatment guidelines. Last updated February 1, 2022. (Accessed February 2, 2022).
Cite this document as follows: Clinical Resource, COVID-19 and Thromboembolism. Pharmacist’s Letter/Prescriber’s Letter. February 2022. [380218]